Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Administration of Painkillers For OSD

Various types of treatment are able for OSD. One of the method is the prescription of painkillers such as famotide or ponstan. Painkillers have anti-inflammatory properties and aim to cease pain and swelling. For OSD, this aims to decrease the pain at the tibial tubercle.

Saturday, September 1, 2007

Types of OSD

After valuable research, I have realized that there are two types of people who get OSD.

1) Teenagers who are affected by growth spurts

2) Teenagers with weak quadriceps

Of course, both factors could be in play.

In the first category, the tibial tubercle has not fused with the tibial yet leading to pain and swelling.

In the second category, the weak quadriceps cause the pressure exerted to be transferred to the patella tendon. This is turn causes the tibial tubercle displacement.